A logo for the council for better education with a book and scales of justice.




Each Child, Every Child.


The Rose v. Council for Better Education decision marked a pivotal moment in Kentucky's public education. It ordered the legislature to overhaul the system to ensure an "efficient system of common schools throughout the state" with equal opportunities for all children, irrespective of economic background or district. Chief Justice Robert Stephens emphasized state funding for this mandate and set a one-year deadline. The subsequent legislative response, the Kentucky Education Reform Act, aimed to meet this challenge, shaping the future of education funding in the state.

Two men are sitting at a table talking to each other in a black and white photo.

All advocacy is, at its core, an exercise in empathy.


CBE Current Litigation Click Here

CBE v. Williams Press Release explains CBE's decision not to appeal the 2007 summary judgment. Click Here

Each Child, Every Child  is Richard Day's history of the Council's work leading to the Rose decision and the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. Click Here

Each Child, Every Child Appendices provides supporting information for Richard Day's dissertation noted above.

Click Here

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